Dear Oak Bluff Friends and Neighbors,
Our recreation club is currently at risk. The best way to understand the risks we face is by presenting some common myths along with the realities, so our community understands the needs we have as a community organization.
Did you know…Myths vs. Facts
Myth: The Rec club is owned and operated by the RM of Macdonald.
Fact: The Rec Club is owned by the residents of Oak Bluff (you). There is only one paid full-time contract employee who operates the facility and the rest of the work is done by board members and volunteers. Because of this, our investment in this building and the services we provide are heavily dependent on our board and volunteers. Without them recreation in Oak Bluff is not sustainable.
Myth: The Rec club is funded by our tax dollars.
Fact: We request support via grants from the municipal and provincial governments to support ongoing capital improvements to our facilities. We need their partnership to maintain the facilities for all participants to keep costs down. Without the grant support, the club would have to go to the community to support capital projects, as we are the owners of the facility. Other than that, the rec club is entirely funded by facility rentals. This includes our facility manager’s salary.
Myth: Being on the board is too much time and work.
Fact: Depending on the position, Rec Board business takes the average person 3-5 hours
per month. There is only one board meeting per month and these are a great way to meet your neighbours and develop new friendships. Are you new to our growing community? What a better way to meet new people and get involved.
Fact: We need you to step up, volunteer your time, give your input and have a say on what goes on at the community center.
We are asking you to join the board to allow our community to enjoy fully, what the recreation club has to offer.
The following positions need to be filled ASAP;
President Financial Advisor Fundraising Hockey Rep Baseball Rep Canteen
if you have any interest in or questions about the above positions please contact Ken Robb @ or 204-797-7182